Sunday, January 15, 2012

A Wonderful Christmas!

Santa has finally come!

Looking at all my stuff!

Eden was more concerned with Santa eating his cookie than what he brought her for Christmas! That's our Eden!

Christmas Eve dinner (beautiful cousin Cady and her mother Aunt Cindy)

Daddy slicing the rib roast for Christmas Eve dinner with family!

Christmas Eve morning! Don & Eden decorating Gingerbread Cookie! Getting Ready For Santa!

Our Chrismas Party Spread! Friends starting to arrive!

Our Christmas Tree This Year!
Ms. Johnnie and Eden before they head next door to a Secret Santa Party! Ms. Johnnie helps us with Eden! She was her baby room teacher and Eden's only sitter! She is wonderful and we are so blessed that she is part of Eden's life. Ms. Johnnie takes Eden out to eat and all over town! Eden adores her!

Eden's Christmas Party! Bouncing with her friends!

Eden's Christmas tree in her room!

Eden helping decorate the tree!

Eden helping pick out our tree! She got into Mama's make-up and painted her face for the occasion!

Looking At Chrismas Trees! This is the fellow who helps us every year!

Eden Doing Christmas Crafts (Three Years Old) I love her pigtails!
Shortly after Thanksgiving this year we set off to pick out the perfect Christmas tree at the Farmers Market! We go to the same place every year and have gotten to know the people who bring their trees down from the North Carolina mountains. They pretty much know what I am looking for and usually start bringing trees out that have not be set up yet. The ideal tree for us is tall to the ceiling and starts wide at the bottom and then tapers off towards the top. After we get our tree we go home to start decorating, not only the tree but pretty much the entire house!

This year we had two Christmas parties at our house! One that Eden had for her friends from school and the other that Don and I hosted for our neighbors and close friends. Christmas is the perfect time of year to spend some time with your friends! I wish that Christmas occured more that once a year for this very reason! Both of the parties were a lot of fun! I made special Santa bags for Eden's Christmas party and we made wonderful food and drinks for our other Christmas party!

We also had a nice wonderful Christmas Eve dinner with family and close friends. We decided to make a rib roast this year. Don cooked it and it was perfect! We have not quit talking about it yet! After our dinner we went to the live Nativity at Hayes Barton Baptist Church. We have made this visit to the Navity somewhat of a tradition. After church we hurried home to put out cookies and milk and to wait for Santa to come! Oh and I forgot to mention that we got a new Elf On The Shelf this year that Eden named Cookie. Cookie would visit Santa every night to report back if Eden had been "naughty or nice"! Every morning when she returned she would always be in a different spot. We had so much fun finding her every morning! Cookie is now back at the North Pole with Santa and Eden misses her!

On Christmas morning we all went downstairs to see what Santa had brought and to see if he had left the train set and train table that Eden had ask for. Well he did, so Eden must have been nice! After playing with all the new toys that Santa had brought, we went over to Uncle Kenneth, Aunt Cindy, Jamie and Cady's house to eat Chrismas dinner! What a great Christmas!

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